Blue Skye Doodles Blue Skye Doodles

Do Dogs Need Carbohydrates?

Dogs don’t actually need carbohydrates. While they can eat them, they won’t thrive on a diet high in starchy carbs. Look for low to no carbs and quality, fresh proteins for optimum health in your Bernedoodle or Australian Mountain Doodle.

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Blue Skye Doodles Blue Skye Doodles

Doodle Generations

Bernedoodles are a mix of Bernese & Poodle and Australian Mountain Doodles are Bernese, Poodle and Aussie. But the exact percent of each parentage can vary. Read on for an explanation of Doodle generations and which one we prioritize at Blue Skye Doodles.

Understanding the three main Doodle generations - F1, F1b and Multigen - to help you make an informed decision.

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Blue Skye Doodles Blue Skye Doodles

Adolescence in Doodles

Why is my perfectly behaved puppy suddenly acting like a naughty teenager? Rest assured, this is normal. Puppies go through adolescence before maturing into an adult. Patience, understanding and reinforcement of their training will get you through this phase.

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