Doodle Generations

You have probably heard or seen a reference to F1 or F2 or F1b. Well what the heck does it mean? 

These designations are used by breeders to indicate which generation they are producing with a specific pairing.  The F refers to First Generation. When  you pair two purebreds, the resulting puppies are the First Generation or F1.  Pairing two F1 adults will result in puppies that are now F2.  The b indicates a back cross to one of the parent breeds, usually the poodle. 

Below are some of the possible pairings.

F1 = One poodle parent and one purebred parent. The first pairing of unrelated breeds resulting in a 50/50 % mix of both breeds. Genetically you will produce puppies with one copy of coat curl (-/+) and one copy of furnishings (F/f). This pairing is actually not the lowest shedding, lowest allergen.

F1b = One doodle parent and (usually) one poodle parent. A hybrid breed crossed back to one of the parent breeds resulting in an approximate 25/75 % mix of both breeds. The b stands for backcross to one of the parent breeds and will usually result in a higher number of puppies with curlier coats.

F2 = Both parents are doodles. A hybrid breed crossed to a hybrid breed of same original mix. For example a Bernedoodle x Bernedoodle resulting in an approximate 50/50 % mix*. 

F1b &F2 generations can produce some puppies with an ancestral look meaning a smooth face (no furnishings) and a straight/flat coat that will look more like the Aussie or Bernese parent. This coat type and lack of furnishings result in a puppy that is not as low shedding or low allergen as most doodles.

F2b = One doodle parent and one poodle parent. A second generation cross to a second generation backcross or F1 to an F1b.

F3 = A second generation cross to a first generation cross. 

F3 or higher is a multi-gen or multi-generational doodle meaning the doodle grandparents go further back. This is considered the most desirable cross by experienced breeders.  It produces a good balance, maintaining the desired conformation and producing the desirable allergy friendly, low-shedding, attractive straight or wavy coat. 

All doodle parents should be genetically tested for furnishings in order to know if they have one or two copies of the furnishings gene.

We work almost exclusively with multi-gens.We breed mostly multi-generational crosses for good consistency in coat type, structure and hypoallergenic qualities. This cross also helps us to achieve the most consistent appearance, size and temperament.

We genetically test our dams and sires, x-ray hips and elbows, test for color to ensure safe pairings and strive to ensure puppies will retain the desirable characteristics and hybrid vigor from multigenerational parents.

A lot of thought is put into each pairing and a solid temperament and good health will trump color when we make our plans.

We have three generations of sires and of dams in our program. This gives us a legacy of health, temperament and longevity to our credit.

Hopefully someday we see Bernedoodles and Australian Mountain Doodles truly recognized as a "breed".

Note: the F1b, F2 generations etc. are an estimation and not an exact percentage mix as subsequent crosses may receive less or more DNA from either parent, making the percentages more like 80/20 or 70/30 etc. It’s a bit like mixing black marbles and red marbles together, then randomly separating them into two piles.  The results are unpredictable and one pile may have a higher percentage of red or black marbles.Just like estimating the final height of a son or daughter, height and weight in doodles varies, even within the same litter and may vary by the percentage of muscle tone and/or fat ratio. 


Grain-Free Dog Food and DCM


Adolescence in Doodles