How We Raise Our Puppies
"More than anyone else, Breeders have the unique opportunity to make a dramatic impact on a puppy's personality. By the time a puppy goes to his new home, much of that opportunity has already passed."
Jane Killion (author of Puppy Culture)
Age 3-12 weeks are the most critical socialization periods in a puppies life and days 22-28 are the single most important week, therefore it is critical the puppies are home-raised and handled daily.
We go above and beyond with the care and raising of each puppy to ensure they are well-rounded and prepared for their new life with you. It has been said genetics account for 35% of a puppies personality and performance while 65% is influenced by care, training and nutrition. Puppies are born in a private whelping room with access to their own private yard. We have soft music playing, a temperature controlled environment, whelping boxes with vet fleece for exceptional traction and pretty much anything our moms and babies might need. We are there for the birth of the puppies and the moms feel loved and safe and allow us to handle the puppies immediately. The puppies are weighed at birth and daily for two weeks to ensure they are gaining weight. Mom and puppies loved on and nurtured every day.
We follow and utilize three methods of early neurological stimulation and handling, timed to coincide with specific periods in the puppies life where they are most receptive to it. Following are the methods we utilize:
Early neurological stimulation (ENS) is also known as the Bio-Sensor Program, sometimes called the “Super Dog Program” utilized by the Monks of New Skete. ENS includes a series of exercises starting at 3 days of age and is based on years of canine research by the military in order to increase the puppies future learning capacity. This method utilizes tactile and thermal stimulation and 3 positioning exercises, done once daily when the puppies are 3-15 days old. When puppies receive consistent, non-traumatic handling, they become more outgoing and friendly and show less inclination to be fearful when they are older. This encourages the puppies development into an emotionally balanced mature dog and ultimately a better family companion for you.
Puppy Culture is a comprehensive socialization and training program guide as to what can be done with and for puppies at each point in their development to ensure the best possible outcome for the puppy. It's a "how to" on raising confident, happy puppies, using early neurological stimulation, enrichment and resiliency exercises to encourage the best out of each puppy at each stage of its development.
It is based on the idea that a puppy learns best by appropriate experiences at the appropriate time. We try to bring. out the best in each puppy without comparing them to an arbitrary yardstick and labeling them a problem if they don’t measure up. Each puppy is a precious individual and will thrive when given an experience they are ready for.
The Rules of 7 provides socialization tasks and goals for the puppy to have mastered by 7 weeks of age. These tasks benefit a puppy’s developing immune system, helping them to adapt to new situations more quickly, and providing positive socialization experiences which increase their self-confidence.
The 7 Goals are exposure to 7 different types of surfaces and textures, playing with 7 different types of objects, experienced 7 different locations, met 7 different types of people, exposed to 7 different challenges, eaten from 7 different containers and in 7 different places.
In addition to the methods we use above, your puppy will have been handled daily since birth and will have received exposure to the following before going home with you:
Been exposed to a variety of sounds from indoor and outdoor environments, including a de-sensitizing CD playing thunder, fireworks, rain, lightning etc.
Become accustomed to vacuum cleaners, doors closing, loud TV, different types of music, a blender, coffeemaker etc.
Ridden in a car and traveled in a crate.
Been introduced to potty training first with a box adjacent to the whelping area, then with an artificial turf potty area in the inside play area and when old enough taken to "go potty" outside.
Been up on a grooming table, heard the sound of clippers, had a top to tail brushing, nail trims and several baths in a sink.
Met & played with un-related adult dogs of different colors and sizes.
Played regularly in a safe outside area with custom ramps, raised structures and plastic objects which make noise when climbed on. This helps with normal development and prepares them to walk or step up on unusual surfaces in the future.
Comfortable sleeping with siblings in an open crate.
Practiced using a modified doggy door flap into a potty area.